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massage wellbeing by LMI Holistic Therapies Kingston
October 24, 2021
Massage is a form of tissue manipulation using a variety of techniques which has been developed over thousands of years, today it is used for the promotion and restoration of health. In today’s fast paced and every changing environment sometimes it is easy to forget to look after our own wellbeing. Our bodies just like a car needs maintenance from time to time.
September 5, 2021
Stress is an emotional reaction that not only affects our mental health, it also impacts on our bodies too. It can suppress your immune system so make you more vulnerable to infections and catching viruses, upset your digestive and reproductive systems, increase the risk of heart conditions and higher your blood pressure also can have an impact on speeding up the aging process.
staying hydrated is important for the body - LMI holistic therapies
August 1, 2021
Having enough water in the body is essential for many important processes to take place. From our blood system carrying essential glucose, oxygen and nutrients to cells, to the kidneys getting rid of waste products.
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